Friday, April 26, 2013

The first....

I'm the kinda girl that doesn't always have a plan... I like to fly by the seat of my pants... for me... that makes life more fun and exciting. What I like to say is... "take things day by day rather than looking completely to the future." This thought always helps me understand what life is about! If we are too concerned with the future... we can't relax and smell the roses through out life. As the famous
Ferris Bueller would say...

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Now... I'm not saying that we need to completely throw our thought of the future into the trash... I'm just saying that sometimes we need to live more in the NOW! As I am close to finishing up with my undergrad at BYU... I have realized that through out my four years here I wouldn't really embrace everything. This blog is going to be about all of my experiences during my last two semesters in college (the good and the bad) as well as what will happen after I graduate. Who knows what the future holds? Not me! I'm just taking things day by day and see where that takes me. ENJOY! :)